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Showing posts from May, 2020

Fashion With Society

Fashion plays a major role in our society and affects the social aspects of society.Fashion in general as many people say is a way to display our personalities.It also displays the feeling and mood of a person,and reflects on who they are and why they choose to wear clothes based on their personal taste.                     Fashion industry contributes to society,it's personal fun, political and reflection fashion is more than amped up dress up for adults.its a reflection of who we are and what we believe.The fashion industry contributes to society by allowing us to express ourselves.Our creativity and our beliefs to the world.                                 People can dress up,dress down,wear jeans ,dresses or any type of clothing that allows them to share their individuality "I think fashion defines a person because it can mainly express an individual,said Junior Jordan Pinto. "People often wear things based on who they are"

Fashion In Our Daily Life

Fashion is actually a way of Life.The way you dressup,the way you wear your accessories,what you wear,from where do you buy,how you buy, where do you go, wearing your outfits and accessories,describes your disposable income and also your lifestyle.                  In general fashion is important because it reflects every culture in the world .It was a way to create different social groups and be differentiated according to your status (I am not saying it's a good thing but it is what it is).Our first clothes existed to protect our body from harm and cold.🙆👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Lifestyle is an opinion

Make your own life🌠

Culture Lifestyle🏇🌑

Culture is a word for the "way of life" of groups of people, meaning the way they do things.different groups may have different cultures.A culture is passed on to the next generation by learning whereas genetics are passed on by heredity.Culture is seen in people's writing, religion,music, clothes,cooking and in what they do. The concept of culture is very complicated and the word has many meanings.The word culture is most commonly used in three ways. *Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities,also known as high culture. *An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior. *The outlook, attitudes,values,morals,goals and customs shared by a society. Most broadly culture includes all human phenomina which are not purely results of human genetics.The discipline which investigates cultures is called anthropology,though many other discipline play a part.

How can we make our self happier every Day?

The desire for happiness is a universal human emotion.To some extent,you want to learn how to be happy with yourself in some extent,you want to learn how to be happy with yourself in some shape or form.However not everyone knows how to achieve this state. Unfortunately society hasn't helped with this confusion we have been conditioned to associate happiness with materialistic possessions. The line of thinking is that if  we have more things we will be more fulfilled.As a result alot of people spend their entire lives chasing happiness only to be left feeling defeated when they don't find their version of utropia.Happiness is not something that you find external to won't buy a new dress or purchase a new car and feel like you're living on a cloud for eternity. Sure you may feel short term gratification from a purchase but this feel good vibe won't last.shortley thereafter you will be looking for the next best thing to fill a void.There's no magic pil

What actually the HOPE is?

Hope is  the state of mind that believes  and desires a positive outcome to situations in your life. It is the feeling that things will  turn out for the best . It is consistently looking forward to that  positive outcome  to something planned in our life. Hope is going through life expecting with confidence that  everything is going to be OK . Hope is cultivated when we  have a goal in mind  and are determined to achieve that goal because of the plans we have in place. It’s  not a fantasy  but something that has been thought out and planned. Although Hope means different things to different people I believe there are at least  4 common aspects to this thing we call Hope . Research has shown that hopeful people have these common traits:   H .  Happiness.  It was Allan K. Chalmers who said, “The grand essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” Hopeful people are happy because they have confidence they have done everything possible to ensu

Living Alone 🙇

Most likely, you simply don’t enjoy living alone, as I also don’t. Anyone CAN live alone, and, if you aren’t careful how you behave around or treat those who you live with, you may very well end up living alone. People need respect and to be left to be who they are without judgment and without acting like its one’s job to tell others how to be or live. Also, to live with others requires not making their lives more difficult because you are in it. Always try to be as “low impact” as possible and don’t leave a trace on other’s lives. It’s their lives, not yours. Just love them like you would a rose… Smell it, love it, look at it with wonder and a smile, and let it be. Don’t cut it and make it yours. Love is not about control or possession, it’s about appreciation. I know of countless people who claim that they love to be alone, and, to be honest, I can’t understand how that can possibly be true. We are not meant to be alone. Some people say, “I am a creative person and I can’t be creativ

Simple Living

Simple living  encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to  simplify  one's  lifestyle . These may include, for example, reducing one's  possessions , generally referred to as  minimalism , or increasing  self-sufficiency . Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they have rather than  want . [1] [2]  Although  asceticism  generally promotes living simply and refraining from  luxury  and  indulgence , not all proponents of simple living are ascetics. [3]  Simple living is distinct from those living in forced  poverty , as it is a voluntary lifestyle choice. Adherents may choose simple living for a variety of personal reasons, such as  spirituality ,  health , increase in  quality time  for family and friends,  work–life balance , personal taste, financial sustainability,  frugality ,  sustainability  or reducing  stress . Simple living can also be a reaction to  materialism  and  conspicuous consumption . Some cite socio-politica

Journey of Life

Life is a journey.Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches,joys, celebrations,and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination,our purpose in life.The road will not always be smooth in fact, through out travels we will encounter many challenges.Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accomodations,life is a journey.when we stop,things don't go right.