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How can we make our self happier every Day?

The desire for happiness is a universal human emotion.To some extent,you want to learn how to be happy with yourself in some extent,you want to learn how to be happy with yourself in some shape or form.However not everyone knows how to achieve this state.

Unfortunately society hasn't helped with this confusion we have been conditioned to associate happiness with materialistic possessions.

The line of thinking is that if  we have more things we will be more fulfilled.As a result alot of people spend their entire lives chasing happiness only to be left feeling defeated when they don't find their version of utropia.Happiness is not something that you find external to won't buy a new dress or purchase a new car and feel like you're living on a cloud for eternity.

Sure you may feel short term gratification from a purchase but this feel good vibe won't last.shortley thereafter you will be looking for the next best thing to fill a void.There's no magic pill for happiness.Happiness is an inside job,a choice that you have to make.

1: Practice Mindfulness:I don't know about you but my emotions end up getting the best to me.If you don't master your mind your mind will master you.This is why I'm such a big believer in creating an empowering morning ritual.When  you take the time every morning to nourish your mental and emotional state you set yourself up for success.Mediate,journal, exercise,recite, affirmations, juice,dance.Do whatever it takes to get yourself into a high vibe State.

2: Be Careful: However there is always a silver lining in every just have to be willing to look for it when you adopt an attitude of gratitude you shift into a state of appreciation All of sudden there is no room for sadness because you are choosing love.

3: Find Your Tribe:By natural we are social creatures connecting with one another helps us thrive when we are faced with difficult times.I wouldn't be who I am today without the solid tribe of people that I can finally. these are my people.Although my circle is small I know that these people will always have my back no matter what.

4: Connect to Your Body Intelligence:It is the place of inner wisdom that brings you back home to yourself in actual fact every cell In the body is intelligent with the heart acting like a conductor for the cellular processes taking place within us in each and every moment.

5: Don't Take Life So Seriously: Life is so short.If you spend the entire ride wording and agonizing about everything you will miss so many beautiful moments not only that but it will create disease in the body . In childhood we are encouraged to play and be free.however alot of people lose this desire once they become adults.If you can relate to this,let me ask your something.....what would happen if you slowed down and took the time to enjoy life more?? 🤔👀


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