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Living Alone ๐Ÿ™‡

Most likely, you simply don’t enjoy living alone, as I also don’t. Anyone CAN live alone, and, if you aren’t careful how you behave around or treat those who you live with, you may very well end up living alone. People need respect and to be left to be who they are without judgment and without acting like its one’s job to tell others how to be or live. Also, to live with others requires not making their lives more difficult because you are in it. Always try to be as “low impact” as possible and don’t leave a trace on other’s lives. It’s their lives, not yours. Just love them like you would a rose… Smell it, love it, look at it with wonder and a smile, and let it be. Don’t cut it and make it yours. Love is not about control or possession, it’s about appreciation.

I know of countless people who claim that they love to be alone, and, to be honest, I can’t understand how that can possibly be true. We are not meant to be alone. Some people say, “I am a creative person and I can’t be creative with others in my life because other people require so much time and energy.” Perhaps they are missing the point that it is actually an extremely creative, but also very challenging task, to love others.

Being alone just makes it easier to avoid reality (in my opinion…) Please, if someone disagrees, understand that this is just my opinion and is not up for debate. I respect anyone’s own decisions on how they choose to live out their lives. To each his or her own, I say.


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