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Vitamin C In The Prevention Of Dengue🐜

Currently, the focus of discussion is dengue. It is a viral disease.  There is no cure for dengue.  No vaccine has been discovered.  Therefore, prevention is the only hope of dengue where awareness is the main mantra. Dengue season means rainy season i.e. May to September is the risk for dengue attack.

 High fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, severe joint and muscle pain, fatigue, vomiting, thin stools, skin rash.  It occurs within two to five days of the onset of fever.  There are several types of tests that can be used to diagnose dengue fever.

 Full rest, taking more liquid food is the main treatment for dengue fever.  You may have to give saline. In this case, you have to give saline through food saline or tube.  In severe cases, the patient may need to donate blood.  Paracetamol is given to reduce fever.  All types of antibiotics are avoided in dengue fever.

 People at risk of dengue: Once a person has dengue, the risk of getting infected a second time is much higher. Children, the elderly and pregnant mothers are also at risk.  Such patients can easily develop dengue shock syndrome.  So they need special care.  However, remember, drinking breast milk does not spread dengue. And dengue is not a contagious disease.

 The role of vitamin C in the prevention of dengue

 The main prevention is to protect yourself from Aedes mosquito bites.  Therefore, it is very important to reduce the habitat of mosquitoes.  This requires removal of water trapped in flower tubs and covering most parts of the body. Personal protection and environmental management of mosquitoes are important to prevent illness. However, recently there are some specialties about the treatment and prevention of dengue fever.  There are some treatments that you can eat regularly or take as a supplement.  Is it really possible?  Is there a valid science behind this claim?

 First we need to understand how vitamin C works in the body’s immune system.  It is also known as ascorbic acid.  Vitamin C has several roles.  It helps in the repair, growth and development of body tissues.  It helps absorb iron, heal wounds and maintain bone, cartilage and dental health.  Vitamin C boosts the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies and white blood cells.

 Vitamin C also increases interferon levels [source: Avery].  Interferon is a protein that protects our cells against viruses and diseases.  It inhibits the production of viruses or foreign substances and stops the progression of infection.  Studies have shown that interferon can actually protect against dengue virus by injecting it directly into cells by closing the tracks. [Source: Diamond and Harris]

 For the past few years, homeopaths have been talking about a link between vitamin C and the cure for dengue fever.  Theoretically, it may seem that vitamin C increases interferon and interferon can prevent the progression of dengue fever, meaning it can cure the disease.  It’s important to remember, so far it’s just a theory.

 Some believe that vitamin C helps increase platelet count which decreases while fighting dengue fever.  Homeopathic physicians recommend eating foods rich in vitamin C- and antioxidants such as acai berries, oranges, blueberries and tomatoes, as well as taking supplements.  However, there are no studies validated by multiple sources to support this theory, and no study has shown that certain foods can increase platelet count. However, taking 500 mg of vitamin C a day for disease treatment and prevention and to increase interferon production.  Naturopath offers advice. 

 However, many scientific and medical studies have not proven that vitamin C cures diseases and that they can even be harmful [source: Afit].  In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration, the American Medical Association, the Department of Health and Human Services, and many other groups do not recommend taking vitamin C to prevent or treat colds or dengue fever.

 So can vitamin C prevent dengue fever?  Science does not say, can not.  Naturopaths say yes.

 Dengue fever is a viral infection and all viruses can be effectively killed by vitamin C, which is safe even to some extent.  Vitamin C is a natural, highly effective agent that can prevent and cure Aedes viral infections but does not apply to all infectious diseases.  In order for vitamin C to be effective as an anti-infective agent, it should be given in high doses and in long doses.  The effectiveness of vitamin C against viral infections was demonstrated in early 1949 when 60 out of 60 vitamin Cs were used to cure polio.  Unfortunately, when the number of dengue cases is skyrocketing, we are debating the use of vitamin C.  Death due to dengue fever is preventable.

 There is ample clinical evidence of the use of vitamin C against this type of issue although it is given in adequate amounts and the procedure should be done intravenously and orally.  Relevant and structural results show that it should not stand in the way of vitamin C therapy as it lacks a complete understanding of how vitamin C works against viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

 Let's take a look at some basic facts: The recommendation by the Food Ministry and Drug Administration is about 100 mg of vitamin C per day which prevents scurvy without improving optimal health.  To achieve optimal health, we need to supplement ourselves with a certain dose.  So what is the best human adult dose?  The native diet contains about 6 grams of vitamin C and this is the best dose for us.  It is also true that animals do not suffer from infections like common flu, chicken pox, HINI or (H7N9) dengue, Ebola or even cancer because they are able to make their own vitamin C in the liver (reptiles and amphibians make vitamin C for them from glucose in the kidneys).

 Unfortunately, nature has taken away this blessing from humans, guinea pigs and fruit bats and so we are not able to make our own vitamin C.  In reality why guinea pigs are used in research is because of their inability to make their own vitamins.  Researchers say guinea pigs can easily infect and induce cancer.  In light of this fact, we should all understand that vitamin C is the most important nutrient for optimal health and wellness.  Is it true that the presence of infection greatly increases the body's need for vitamin C.  Studies on goats have shown that they produce about 13,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day, which increases the risk of infection by 10 times.  These are all documented information. Thousands of such studies are available in Medline.  Why are we still reluctant to use vitamin C intravenously to cure AIDS patients as well as other infections like tuberculosis?

 Necessary steps should still be taken to prevent the reproduction of Aedes mosquitoes.  However, when someone is infected with the Aedes virus, healing is possible within 48 to 72 hours, if vitamin C is used efficiently.  Dr. Linus Pauling, a world-renowned biochemist and the only person to have won the Nobel Prize twice, strengthened the case in the early 1970s by taking adequate vitamin C for optimal health.  He himself took 10 grams of vitamin C per day and lived to be 94 years old.  Those of us who are caring and intelligent may have understood this.

 Many people are afraid of taking high levels of vitamin C for fear of kidney or renal stone.  There is not a single study to prove this.  However, it is true that there are about 60 causes of renal stones.  Magnesium, Vitamin B6, D-3, Oxalate-rich diets are some of the causes of deficiency.

 Caution: This dose is equivalent to 3,000 mg of vitamin C per day, exceeding the recommended daily limit of 1000 mg.  According to the Mayo Clinic website, the recommended daily intake (RDA) of vitamin C for adults is 65 to 90 mg per day and most people can get it through a healthy diet.  Is emitted.  And there may be some side effects.  E.g.

 Nausea or vomiting



 Swelling in the abdomen


 Kidney castle or stone

 Most of the claims that Vitamin C is a "miracle cure" for anything from flu to viruses or cancer come from the work of Linus Pauling [source: Afit].  Pauling was a famous chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his revolutionary work in chemical bonding.  In 1971, he published a book, Vitamin C and Common Cold.

 What to eat in case of Dengue?

 1.  Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, improves immunity: - Papaya leaf juice contains antioxidants which stimulate the immune system, papaya leaves have various health benefits-

 * Increases blood platelet count: - Many animal studies have confirmed that papaya leaf juice increases the number of platelets and red blood cells and improves blood circulation.  Studies have also confirmed that papaya leaf juice has a similar effect on humans.  This is one of the reasons why papaya leaf extract is used to cure dengue fever where the number of platelets in the blood decreases.

 2.  If you have symptoms of dengue, you can eat a variety of vegetables rich in vitamin C such as guava, chilli, bell pepper, mango, grapefruit, amalki, strawberry, orange, papaya, kiwi fruit, broccoli, dark green leaves and vegetables, fresh herbal juice.  The essential vitamins and minerals in these vegetables increase the body's resistance to disease.

 3.  Vitamin C is very effective in boosting the body's immune system.  For this reason, if symptoms of dengue appear, the patient should eat vitamin C rich fruits such as oranges, pineapples, strawberries, guavas - all these fruits or fruit juices.  Such juices will help cure viral infections.

 Neem leaf juice is also very effective in curing dengue fever. Eat plenty of fluids. It may be vitamin C fruit juice or juice.

 Herbal tea reduces the risk of dengue fever.  For this reason, if you have a fever, drink tea with cinnamon, cloves and ginger.  Dengue causes dehydration.  During this time coconut water eliminates dehydration of the body.  At the same time it helps to maintain water balance in the body. If symptoms of fever occur, let the patient eat liquid food especially soup.  It will increase appetite and reduce joint pain.

 Other Vitamins: Vitamin ‘E’, Vitamin ‘A’ and Vitamin ‘K’ are many essential ingredients in the prevention and cure of dengue.  So you need to take all these vitamin rich foods regularly.  Milk and dairy foods, green vegetables, fish and meat are good sources of these vitamins.

 Awareness is the first step in the human immune system.  So we need to know not to panic in the dengue war and take necessary measures.


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