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Communication technology has brought a tremendous revolution in modern societies. A few scores years back it was very difficult for the people of a country to get news, letters, information and knowledge from other countries. A large number of people of the world were living in isolation. Now owing to efficient media and quick means of communication all the nation's are constantly in close contact with one another. A series of inventions like telegraph, telephone,radio, television, print, media, communication, satellite,electronic mail and internet have really converted the world into a global village or a global apartment.
          Modern technology is playing a central time in the field of agriculture it has greatly helped man in developing agriculture, livestock and food industry. It has helped man to bring barren and arid lands under the plough. It has helped man to construct dams for irrigation and generation of electricity. It has enabled the agriculturist to increase their yeild per acre. It had helped the farmer's to grow bumper crops by using chemical fertilizers. A few out of these vast varieties of contribution are good quality seeds,better varieties of crops, pesticides more milk producing and processing and the preservation of food. The farmers with the help of modern technology are now able to produce vegetables and fruit out of seasons. Technology and science have altogether changed the standard of livings. Man's standard of living has been uplifted to a great extend. He is enjoying the comforts and air conditioned house hot and cold water,gas, electricity,speedy cars, television, refrigerators and many others . Man has changed his environment. The world has now become a happy abode for living.


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