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The 21th century is the century of sophisticated technology and science. Technology and science began to make progress in the seventeenth century. Since then technology and science have been making progress by leaps and bounds. New inventions and discoveries in the numerous fields have brought a revolution in the life of human beings.
                        The benefits got from science and it's applications are enormous and probably it is not possible to enumerate these, however,it is beyond doubt that science has helped a great deal in developing self-confidence, self-esteem and courage in the human beings. Now owing to scientific and technological advances man is not at the mercy of his environment but he has the capability to control and modify it to suit his needs and requirements. Previously people believed in superstitions and in certain supernatural forces for the control of their future. People also used to believe in magic and fortune telling. By adopting scientific methods,human beings are now more confident to handle their environmental conditions . Human beings no more attribute the weather conditions or disaster to supernatural,bad or evil forces . They think independently, logically and scientifically.

Engineering and mechanical technologies have been playing vital role in many fields. Before the inventions of automobiles, aeroplanes,rockets and steam engines, people used to travel on foot or used animals or animal driven carts to travel from one place to another. The speed was terribly slow as compared with that of today's travel. It took Morcopolo,his father and his uncle,Maffeo Polo, three years to reach  China from Venice (Italy). Many people died during the journey but at present,the means of transportation have squeezed the distance overcome the forces of gravity and made possible the exploration of the outer space. Man has reached the mood and is trying to reach other planets. Never was the world so completely integrated or reachable as it is today. Only in a few hours one can fly around  the world or travel from one continent to another. Modern net-workings of roads have really revolutionized the world and the day to day activities.


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