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Freedom is an inmate right that humans have had since birth. Freedom is not something that can be touched,seen,smelled, or touched. All this gives a vague idea of freedom. What exactly does freedom mean? 

Different people have different opinions, definitions and thoughts about the idea of freedom. Some speak of  Freedom in the political sense,others speak of social freedom,others to personal independence amd others define it as religious Freedom,but the fact that everyone wants to be free is true in every case. Freedom is the choice to live your life doing what you want,to live where you want,to eat by choice and to learn what you heart desires. This means that Freedom can apply to different aspects of life and that Freedom is not an absolute term.

Freedom is about ensuring and not living free. All societies define freedom in their own respect. Different cultures see freedom in their own light, and as a result, people living in different cultures enjoye Freedom in a way that they deem appropriate.

To enjoy our Freedom does not mean that we ignore the rights of others and live the way we feel. We must consider the rights and feelings of people around us when we live our freedom. Likewise,a free person does not have to fear expressing his opinion by ensuring that others are not hurt and respected. Societies that promote Freedom of opinion, thought,belief, expression,choice etc.are those where creative minds flourish.

Therefore, Freedom is a whole state of MIND. This implies that your mind is not under the fear or constraint of security in life. The feeling of having social recognition, being praised and being safe does not mean freedom. Our aspirations and imbitions to be someone absured do not suggest Freedom.Freedom does not come with independence. Freedom is also about enjoying the enchanting beauty of nature and the environment around us. A person who is worried and anxious cannot be free to mind and therefore cannot appreciate the scenic beauty of a beautiful moonlite sky or the pleasing music of song birds at sunset.

Because no matter what your big theme is, you'll need a certain degree of Freedom to get there.

1: Live a cash-only Life: oh sure,make it a debit card if you like,but stop with the spending on credit if you're not paying it off every month. When you purchase something you cannot pay for , you are abligating yourself to future work to pay for it.
Keep yourself in debt and your future-and freedom-is fully booked to pay off your past ,with interest.

2:Move your body every day: it's like a bad relationship you take your body for granted long enough,and it's going to revolt. You don't want to see that first inking of your dream and then not have enough energy or strength to enjoy it.


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