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Emotional Pain😔

While Emotional Pain is often dismissed as being less serious than physical Pain,it is important that it is taken seriously. Here are Four common Feelings associated with your emotional Pain that can impact your health.

Sadness: Sadness is natural emotion that is associated with loss and disappointed. However if it doesn't fade with time,it might reflect a terable conditioner, depression,that can impact your whole body. If sadness lasts for more than just a few days and impacts your daily life,it may be necessary to seek out medical intervention.

Unexpressed Anger:Anger is a basic human emotion. It releases adrenaline,which increases muscle tension and speeds up breathing. This is the "Fight" part of the "Fight/Flight/Freeze" response. It can be mobilizing,however if it's not adequately coped with,this response can lead to long term physical consequences.

Anxiety:As with anger, anxiety,worry or fear releases adrenaline. This generally results in jumpiness,a tendencies to startle easily,the inability to relax ( the "Flight" part of the "flight/flight/freeze" response, or a feeling of being immobilized or stuck (the "freeze" part of the "fight/flight/freeze" response). In some people, anxiety is a symptom of an anxiety disorder,and psychotherapy or prescription medication can help. Anxiety can be induced by alcohol or drugs and quitting alcohol and drugs can often improve the symptom.

Shame/ Guilt:Shame and guilt often results in a feeling of " butterflies" or weight in the stomach. Common among people with addictions,shame leads to and is worsened by the need for secrecy. If not reduced prolonged feelings of shame and guilt can lead to physical symptoms.

Pain Is Just a Feeling,and Feelings aren't REAL💞🌠


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