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Showing posts from July, 2020

Excessive emotion

Have you ever admired someone in a public image that you don't know, only ngefans are normal from the beginning, can't stop thinking about it a long time ago?  Does that mean you love your idol?  Or, are you just stuck?  Love is an emotion that has the power to remove all other emotions and restore us from our most miserable situation in life.  But when love is present invitations of negative emotions such as fear and anxiety, worry, or anger?  The result is emotion.  When someone is panicked, he does not want to admit that he is panicking with something or someone, because the word emotion is considered bad in itself.  But in fact, many of us are obsessed with.  Some of us may be obsessed with clothing, others may be obsessed with food, others may be obsessed with appearance or their work, we may even be obsessed with sculpting someone.  What is clear, Dr.  Carmen Harra, PhD, an intuitive psychologist on her website, we need to understand that emotions will not

What is an autopsy?

  Is it safe to have autopsy while pregnant?  How to be safe if you want to have an autopsy while pregnant?  Who doesn't like mayonnaise?  It looks like that juicy, sweet, delicious, thick and attractive colors can certainly increase your appetite.  Especially if the whole burger is mixed with mayonnaise with several pieces of cheese, imagining it can make you hungry.  However, you may not know that autopsies are made from raw eggs.  Do you have an autopsy while pregnant?  Is it ok Mayonnaise has been eaten by the French people since the 17th century.  Creams made from a mixture of oil, water, eggs and some of these delicious ingredients were originally made by chefs simply to celebrate the victory of the French War over England.  But now some foods such as mayonnaise have been made into a delicious sauce such as salads, sandwiches and burgers.  Is it safe to have an autopsy while pregnant?  The basic ingredient in the autopsy is the egg, which proves that most eggs are still raw. 

Is chocolate is good for Heath?

 Where does chocolate come from?  Is it true that chocolate can prevent free radicals? Are all types of chocolate healthy and nutritious?   So, chocolate with healthy food:  You add chocolate, it feels like a variety of foods and drinks are more delicious.  In fact, chocolate is just as hungry as it is eaten.  Well, it shows that behind the delicious taste, chocolate has many benefits for our body.  However, many people do not say that eating chocolate can increase fat and blood sugar?  So which one is correct?  Is chocolate healthy or even risky for health?  Find the answer here.  Chocolate comes from the fruit of the cocoa tree.  The fruit has a unique shape like a ball.  Brown beans inside.  Well, these chocolate seeds will be dried, fermented, cleaned, and processed into the chocolate you eat.  Is it true that chocolate can prevent free radicals?  Black chocolate turns out containing lots of flavonoids.  The flavonoids in chocolate act as antioxidants that can block the body's

Salty foods can cause high blood pressure

Salty foods can cause high blood pressure  For those who do not like salty foods, if you are still at risk of hypertension ... Sweet foods are one of the restrictions for people with high blood pressure (hypertension).  In healthy people, overeating can lead to high blood pressure.  For this reason, its use must be limited.  However, for those who do not like salty foods, hypertension can also occur.  How are you  Consider the following review.   Salty foods can cause high blood pressure:  Salt is one of the minerals required by the body.  Everyone's salt needs vary based on their age.  For adults, the daily salt intake is 1,500 mg.  Those who consume more salt than this dose in the long run are at risk of developing high blood pressure.  Researchers do not know the relationship between the body's salt function and blood pressure, according to a report from Harvard Health Publishing.  However, they conclude that the salt content of salty foods has a significant effect on blood

3 types of tea that do not take Caffeine.

How much caffeine is in tea?  Decaffeinated tea that you can consume  1. Chamomile tea  2. Tea from mint leaves  3. Ginger tea  Tea is a daily drink that usually accompanies a person's activities, from breakfast to a drink for your breakfast moment.  Conventional teas include black tea (marketed satin tea), green tea rich in antioxidants, and oolong tea.  All types of tea are mainly made from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis).  The manufacturing process is relatively similar, the tea leaves are picked, then enter the leafing stage.  After bed, the tea leaves begin to be ground and oxidized.  The oxidized tea then dries and new tea can be consumed.  However, did you know that the tea you drink usually contains caffeine every day?  Yes, the cup of tea you drink contains about 55 milligrams of caffeine.  Caffeinated tea water has a bitter taste.  How much caffeine is in tea?  What, what is caffeine?  Caffeine is an alkaline substance commonly found in a variety of coffee and tea plants. 

Why do I have headach when I have digestive rage?

 Sinus Symptoms and Ways to Get Rid of Sinus:  What to Do to Get Rid of Sinusitis - Symptoms and Treatment  People with digestive diseases are at risk of migraines  Why are people with digestive diseases at risk for migraines?  Prevent migraines for people with digestive diseases  1. Avoid stress  2. See a doctor  3. Pay attention to the food menu  Medical Video: Sinus Symptoms and Ways to Get Rid of Sinus: What to Do to Get Rid of Sinusitis - Symptoms and Treatment  Have you ever felt a migraine when digestion is poor?  Yes, stomach nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe constipation may indicate a problem with the digestive system.  According to research, panic can actually trigger migraines.  Why did this happen?  Let's take a look at the following review.  People with digestive diseases are at risk of migraines  Most people often complain of migraine symptoms when their brain is disrupted.  Migraine is a type of headache that causes a severe irritating sensation on one side of t

Soybeans as a healthy snack for diabetics

First know, the nutritional content of soybeans: Soyabeans As a Healthy snake for Diabetes:   Soybeans can also reduce the risk of complications in people with diabetes  "People with diabetes should not eat if they want to keep their blood pressure stable," he said.  In fact, you may be snacking despite having diabetes.  Snacking can support you as long as you fully understand the source of food.  Well, soybeans are one of the healthiest foods for diabetics.  Yes, soybeans are a source of healthy foods that are rich in nutrients that help people with diabetes maintain their health.  What, really, is the benefits of soybeans for diabetics?  Look at everything in the following review!  Other types of beans such as soybeans are less rich than various important nutrients and are known to be a good source of protein.  According to the Indonesian Food Composition Data Page released by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, 100 grams of raw soybeans can contribute about 30.2 grams of pr

The Natural way to get rid of acne scars with castor oil

Get rid of acne forever in just 14 days.   What is installment oil?   How to use cast oil for acne skin?   One of the inevitable problems due to acne is acne scars.  Acne scars can be a skin rash because it can cause blemishes on the skin and can sometimes make us less confident.  However, there are many easy and effective ways to get rid of acne scars.  One of them is cast oil lawyer oil.  Jatropha is a plant that usually grows in tropics.  This plant produces oil from seeds.  Castor oil itself has many benefits for health and beauty.  Castor oil is often used as a method of contraception, aids in the delivery process and facilitates breastfeeding.  Some people use this oil to clean their eyes from foreign objects.  In the beauty world, castor oil has long been known as a cheap and effective beauty method.  Castor oil is considered to make the skin look healthier and younger.  In addition, castor oil is also known to be effective for treating acne and removing scars.   How can Castor

6 Healthy Foods Have Been Proven To Prevent Acne

7 foods that you should never eat on an empty stomach, to keep your body healthy or never eat on an empty stomach   Foods To Prevent Acne:  1. Avocados  2. Nuts  3. Red grapes  4. Broccoli  5. Fish  6. Garlic Clean and healthy skin is something that many people always bite.  Unfortunately, due to stress, fatigue, or climate change, the skin may break down.  Fortunately, there are many foods that are proven to be effective in preventing pneumonia.  What are you curious about?  Read on to find out.  Adding one of the following foods to your diet can help cleanse the outer and inner skin, as well as skin cleansing products.   1: Avacados  Avocados are a popular type of fruit because of their nutritional value for health.  This delicious fruit is known to be rich in vitamin E which can increase the moisture and elasticity of the skin so that it retains youth. Not only that, avocado is also a source of vitamin C which is good for reducing skin inflammation and it is a natural moisturizer on

Benefits Of Avacados For Health

  Does Avacados Have Nutrients?  Risk of allergy symptoms that may be caused by avocados  Benefits of avocado for health  1. Heart health  2. Diabetes  3. Blood sugar control  4. Prevent birth defects in the fetus  5. Helps the digestive system  6. Good for skin  To put it bluntly, avocados are a type of fruit that is very beneficial in combining taste and nutrition for our mouth and body.  Avocados are also a type of fruit that can be processed into many types of food. To learn more, let's take a closer look at the benefits of avocados and the risks that can arise from using avocados.   Does Avacado have nutrients?  Avocados are a nutritious fruit, says Charlotte Sterling-Red, a nutritionist.  "Avocados are a source of healthy fats, monounsaturated special fatty acids and small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy for the heart, helping to lower the body's blood cholesterol levels," he said.  To break down any related nutrients, Karen Poole, a nu

The Effects Of Sugar On Our Body

Sugar is not a poison, but overconsumption is a scourge.  Few of us respect the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) not to exceed 50 g per day of added sugar, thus exposing ourselves to many health problems.   A Powerful Distorbor Of Metabolism:  The added sugars are digested at high speed and disrupt the work of our body: the blood sugar level plays a yo-yo, the hormones are not secreted as they should, the weight gain sometimes increases even to obesity.  Excess sugar increases blood fat (triglycerides), cholesterolemia and blood pressure.  This is called metabolic syndrome: a set of factors that increase the risk of developing heart disease.   Energy In Russian Mountains:  Excessive consumption of sugar can lead to irritability, sudden mood changes and fatigue.  Free sugars are quickly absorbed by our body and create a feeling of euphoria.  Because there is too much in the blood, the pancreas secretes insulin to bring blood glucose down to an acceptable level.  The


 Natural Sugars reduce calories and the glycemic index. Natural sugar is better for health in every way compared to white sugar.  All natural sweeteners are less caloric or caloric for some.  They promote weight loss and limit obesity.  Namely, the most caloric natural sugars also provide the most trace elements and antioxidants, good for health.  Glycemic indexes are lower, ranging from 0 for stevia or erythritol, through maltitol to 30, to 70 for whole sugar.  These diabetic sugars limit the level of sugar in the blood. Other Benefits Of Sugar Alternatives:  In addition to being lower in calories and having low GIs, natural sugars provide other benefits to improve your health:  Natural sugar is not refined, so it provides essential minerals that are in insufficient quantities in our diet.  Yet they are essential for the proper functioning of the body: bone structure, heart rate, nerve conduction ... Honey, whole sugar, maple syrup and coconut sugar provide these minerals (potassium,

Learn The Various Benefits Of Rice

Veto Bengalis want rice anyway.  Morning, afternoon, night, rice seems to be their satisfaction.  But many people cannot eat rice for the whole year for fear of getting fat.  Again, many people think that there is no beneficial ingredient in rice.  But this idea is not correct at all.  Because rice has many health benefits. 1:  Low-calorie food  There is a well-known idea that eating rice is more likely to make you fat.  But like all other foods, eating rice in moderation is less likely to cause obesity.  100 grams of rice has about 100 calories.  The amount of fat is also very low, 0.4 grams of rice.  Flour is about the same as calories.  Eating rice is better than flour, parota or oil fried puri.  You can eat rice twice a day, but keep the amount of rice according to your height and weight. 2: A reservoir of vitamins  Rice contains sufficient amount of niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine and riboflavin. 3: It is easily digested  Rice is easily digested as it is a comp

Water is the basis of the health of the whole organism

About 80 percent of the human body is made up of water.  Lack of water in the body can cause serious problems.  Water is constantly leaving the human body through the kidneys, sweat glands, respiration and intestines, so it is necessary to constantly replenish its reserves.  Water is the main element that ensures the full functioning of all major organs.  It is necessary to follow the number of authors used every day to avoid dehydration.  Clean ึ‡ fresh water will help insure the body against joint pain, headaches, protect against the development of various diseases. Body Cleansing: The water perfectly cleanses from toxins, relieves constipation.  At the same time, water helps to fight against gluttony and suppresses appetite without harming health.  For example, the habit of drinking a glass of clean water half an hour before eating is good for digestion.   Water Speeds up Metabolism: Water  improves metabolism by promoting the burning of excess fat.  In addition, water deficiency ca

Is Vitamin C Is Really Essential?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about vitamin C is lemon.  However, vitamin C is not directly available from lemons.  The chemical name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid and lemon contains citric acid.  And that citric acid is converted into ascorbic acid or vitamin C inside our body.  We all know more or less that scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin C.  But this time we will know why our body needs this vitamin; Function:  Although many vitamins act as co-enzymes in the body, no such role of vitamin C has been found.  The data obtained from studies on the functions of vitamin C at different times are as follows: 1: Vitamin C prevents human stress or anxiety disorders or immune system problems   2:  Vitamin C plays a beneficial role in colds and coughs and even reduces the risk of pneumonia or lungs infection. 3: This vitamin reduces the stroke rate by about 42 percent. 4; Helps to maintain the tightness of the skin.  It also helps in removing old age wrinkles.   5: Asc

As Good As A Lemon On A Hot Day !

Natural foods are on the one hand healthy and on the other hand rich in nutrients necessary for the well-being of the body.  Lemon is such an ingredient.  In the context of vitamin-C, we are actually talking about citrus fruits.  But lemons have not only vitamin-C, but also many other ingredients.  These elements work in our body in many ways.  It is common to see sores on the lips or gums, bleeding and we say, "You are deficient in vitamin-C, eat lemon."  Yes it is true that lemons contain vitamin-C and lemons are very essential for the health of the lips or gums.  Not only that, lemon plays a much more important role in our body.  Let's not know the benefits of lemon in our body: 1: Helps to heal wounds: As lemon contains ascorbic acid, it helps to heal any wounds and relieves pain. 2: Helps in iron absorption: Vitamin-C helps in the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, lemon in the daily diet accelerates the absorption of iron in the body. 3: Works as an anti-

The Benefits Of Horseradish Leaves

Sajina or Sajane - a very familiar name.  In addition to the stalks of sajna, many of us also eat sajina leaves.  But how many of us know that horseradish leaves are a medicinal food?  A researcher at the Food and Nutrition Research Institute in the Philippines has studied this horseradish leaf and found that it is one of the most famous plants in the world.  It is known in many regions as ‘Miracle tree’ or ‘the tree of life’ for its various qualities.  If you know about the nutrients in horseradish leaves, you can understand why Chirchena is so obsessed with this leaf. Horseradish leaves, both raw and dried, are a rich source of nutrients.  Dried horseradish leaves act as a natural source of nutrients that can be absorbed into our bodies more quickly than taking synthetic supplements.  According to Optima of Africa, Ltd, 25 grams of horseradish leaf powder meets the following nutritional needs of a child:  Protein - 42%  Calcium - 125%  Magnesium - 18%  Potassium - 41%  Iron - 81%  Vi

Tomata Rage Resistant Qualities.

Tomatoes, fruits or vegetables?  In fact, tomato is a fruit that is used as a vegetable.  We use tomatoes in salads, sauces, soups, juices etc.  Since we use tomatoes in so many foods, do we know exactly how useful tomatoes are?  Tomatoes contain about 95% water, 4% sugar and less than 1% fat and meat.  Tomatoes also contain dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, molybdenum, folate, biotin, niacin, vitamin B6 and other vitamins and minerals.  There are also four major carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene.  100 grams of tomatoes provide about 17 calories of energy and meet about 16% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.   1:   Anti-cancer: Tomatoes contain vitamin C and some other anti-oxidants that fight against harmful free radicals.  These free radicals are responsible for cancer. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that people who contained lycopene in their diet were 2

Egg Sandesh!

Egg Sandesh means unknown information about eggs.  Before that, tell me the answer to the ancient historical question "before the egg or before the chicken?"  However, in terms of nutrition, eggs are ahead.  Eggs are a highly nutritious food, the nutrients of eggs are fully absorbed by the body.  So eggs are an ideal food. Eggs are a very nutritious food.  The burden of finding people who do not recognize eggs.  But in every age there are some “naughty kids” who don’t want to eat eggs.  I'm telling them to eat omelettes with eggs, tomatoes, coriander leaves, green chillies, onions and salt at least once. You can also fall in love with eggs. In almost every country of the world, eggs are prepared and taken in different ways. For example: boiled eggs, poached, omelette, souffle, egg-bake, egg chop, egg korma, egg pudding, pudding, cake, etc. It is also delicious with different foods.Such as: soup, noodles, fried rice, hotpot-fuska etc. Why we eat Eggs?  Eggs are an easily a