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As Good As A Lemon On A Hot Day !

Natural foods are on the one hand healthy and on the other hand rich in nutrients necessary for the well-being of the body.  Lemon is such an ingredient.  In the context of vitamin-C, we are actually talking about citrus fruits.  But lemons have not only vitamin-C, but also many other ingredients.  These elements work in our body in many ways.  It is common to see sores on the lips or gums, bleeding and we say, "You are deficient in vitamin-C, eat lemon."  Yes it is true that lemons contain vitamin-C and lemons are very essential for the health of the lips or gums.  Not only that, lemon plays a much more important role in our body.  Let's not know the benefits of lemon in our body:

1: Helps to heal wounds: As lemon contains ascorbic acid, it helps to heal any wounds and relieves pain.

2: Helps in iron absorption: Vitamin-C helps in the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, lemon in the daily diet accelerates the absorption of iron in the body.

3: Works as an anti-biotic: Lemon contains a lot of citric acid, calcium and limlin which acts as an anti-biotic to increase the body's immunity.

Lemon Tea

4: Digestive aid: Lemon juice helps in digestion and helps in the production of bile.  As a result, there is relief from heartburn and indigestion.
5: Barrier to the formation of kidney stones: Lemon contains a balanced mixture of citric acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).  Among the various types of kidney stones, citric acid binds to the formation of a "calcium oxalate" stone.

6: Good source of Vitamin-C: Lemon is a good source of Vitamin-C, it is good for colds, coughs, fevers, various diseases of the stomach and heart, bacterial diseases and hypertension.

7: Cleanses and strengthens blood vessels: Due to excessive food intake and uncontrolled lifestyle, fat and minerals accumulate in the blood vessels and plaque builds up.  This can lead to serious problems, so it should be eliminated at an early stage.  Lemon's citric acid removes plaque and other vitamins strengthen blood vessels.

8: Lemon peel contains sufficient amount of pectin fiber which plays a role in weight control.  Especially drinking lemon-water every day leads to weight loss which has been proven in research.

9: To reduce fat: Drink lemon juice with hot water every morning to improve bowel function and reduce excess fat.

10: Prevention of scurvy: Lemon prevents scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency.
 Lemon tea


11: Removes wrinkles: Vitamin-C helps to remove wrinkles and remove harmful toxins from the body.  And lemons are an excellent source of vitamin-C.

12: In various diseases: Lemon helps in controlling diabetes by lowering blood glucose and reduces breathing difficulties in asthma patients by strengthening blood vessels.

13: To increase the effectiveness of hormones: Vitamin-C plays an important role in the activation of hormones and lemon contains vitamin-C and other vitamins and minerals.

14: To maintain the balance of acid and alkali: To keep our body healthy, it is important to have a balance of acid and alkali in the blood (pH 7.35 - 7.45).  Lemon water helps to keep the body's pH right.

15: Anti-cancer: Lemon has 22 types of anti-cancer compounds that reduce the risk of cancer.

Vitamin C And Other Minerals:

 16: In controlling hypertension: Lemon contains potassium which helps in controlling hypertension.

17: Depression and stress relief: Lemon water contains antioxidants which relieves depression and stress and cheers up the mind, instantly removes all the fatigue of the body.

 18: Relieve headaches: Lemon is an effective ingredient in relieving headaches.  Drinking hot water mixed with leucorrhoea reduces the severity of headaches.

 19:. Eliminates bad breath: Lemon helps to heal mouth sores, reduces gingivitis, eliminates bad breath and relieves toothache.

 20: In various diseases of the brain: Lemon peel contains phytonutrient tangerine which is beneficial in diseases of the brain such as Parkinson's disease.

 21: Lemon helps to destroy intestinal worms:

 Our body needs at least 45-50 mg of vitamin-C daily which can provide one slice of lemon in our daily diet.  Lemon is a readily available food for us.  So if we get so many benefits from its proper consumption, then why don't we put lemon in the daily food list?


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