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Water is the basis of the health of the whole organism

About 80 percent of the human body is made up of water.  Lack of water in the body can cause serious problems.  Water is constantly leaving the human body through the kidneys, sweat glands, respiration and intestines, so it is necessary to constantly replenish its reserves.  Water is the main element that ensures the full functioning of all major organs.  It is necessary to follow the number of authors used every day to avoid dehydration.  Clean և fresh water will help insure the body against joint pain, headaches, protect against the development of various diseases.

Body Cleansing:
The water perfectly cleanses from toxins, relieves constipation.  At the same time, water helps to fight against gluttony and suppresses appetite without harming health.  For example, the habit of drinking a glass of clean water half an hour before eating is good for digestion.

 Water Speeds up Metabolism: Water improves metabolism by promoting the burning of excess fat.  In addition, water deficiency can lead to fluid retention in the body (as a reserve, which can cause swelling).

 Water Loss Aid:
Water is one of the best tools to fight excess weight, because we often drink high-calorie beverages instead of water, such as coca cola, juice, and alcohol.

Also, water suppresses well, it is the appetite, because we often think we are hungry, but in fact we are thirsty.  Water does not contain fats, calories, carbohydrates, sugar.  You need to drink plenty of water to help your body lose weight.

 Sports And Water Nowhere Separately:
Dehydration can be a serious obstacle to exercise, as general fatigue can lead to physical inactivity, which can lead to injury.  Drinking two glasses of clean, weak basic water before training will provide you with energy and keep you healthy.

 Water Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease:
Drinking enough water reduces the risk of heart attack.  A six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002 found that those who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41 percent less likely to die of a heart attack than those who drank less than two glasses.

 Water Promotes Skin Healing:
The use of water helps to cleanse the skin, and people who drink water simply shine with health.  Of course, this does not happen overnight, but using the right amount of water for a week will have a positive effect on the skin.

 Cancer Helper:
 Drinking plenty of water has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent and bladder cancer by 50 percent.  In addition, it is believed that drinking water reduces the risk of breast cancer.

 How much Water Should I Drink?
 The question often arises as to how much water to drink each day.  Here is the answer.  It is not right to drink water only when you feel thirsty, at that moment you are already dehydrated.  It is necessary to develop a regime.  Drink water as soon as you wake up, about half an hour - an hour before eating, one or two hours after eating a glass of food.  It is obligatory to drink water before training և after half an hour - also for an hour.  During exercise, you need to maintain a water balance by taking one or two sips between exercise approaches.  This is necessary in order to recover from the lack of water removed from the body during sweat training.

 Try to drink enough water so that you do not feel thirsty.


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