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7 tips on how to keep your skin well-groomed all year round:

Pay Special Attention To Point 3:

 Taking care of your skin should not be a seasonal activity for you.  It should be done all year round, because the health of your skin is the health of the whole organism.

 1: Use unscreen all year round.
 In summer, you probably do not leave the house without using sunscreen, although you should use it all year round, even in deep winter.  Of course, when it is very hot outside, you should use sunscreen with a higher level of protection, but the sun shines all year round, and its ultraviolet rays can damage your skin.

 Be careful when choosing a sunscreen և try to match it with your skin type.  If your skin is prone to pimples, choose non-greasy creams.  If your skin is sensitive, choose mineral-based creams.

 2: Choose the right cleanser.
 Choose the cleanser that is designed for your skin type.  The antibacterial agent helps to improve the pimples, but it is very strong for sensitive skin.

 Use a variety of cleansers for your face and other parts of your body, do not share them.

 Wash your face in the morning և in the evening, and during the day only when it gets dirty.  After washing the face a lot, the skin dries and reddens.  This is true even for those with very oily skin.

 3: Do not sleep without washing your face.
 Always wash your face before going to bed, even if you do not have makeup.  No matter how tired you are, always remember that you need to clean your face from the dust of the day, bacteria, dirt.  Even if you can't take care of your skin in the evening every day, use a tonic or cleanser.

 4: Eat right.
 Healthy skin reflects a healthy body, so a proper diet is the main way to have healthy skin.  Avoid sugar ողջ unhealthy foods, instead eat fruits, vegetables և oily fish such as salmon or sardines.  This type of fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that nourish the skin.

 5:Use a lot of water!
 The right amount of water per day is 8 glasses, but very few people can drink that much water.  Try at least 4-5 glasses if you have difficulty.  If you are thirsty, choose water more than all other types of drinks.  It moisturizes your skin, cleanses the body of toxins.

 6: Do not touch your face.
 Your hands collect various bacteria and germs all day long.  Touching your face can inevitably lead to skin infections.

 7: Use moisturizers և evening creams.
 Always keep your skin moisturized using moisturizers during the day and evening cream before bed.  Even if your skin is too oily, it only needs to be moisturized. You just need to choose non-greasy creams.


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