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Eat Healthy Food To Stay Health πŸ’πŸŽ

At present we are all health conscious but our health awareness is limited to sweet and oily foods.  Can you really become health conscious just by reducing oil and quitting sweets?  But experts say otherwise.

 There are a number of issues that are deeply involved in your health.  Recently, based on the opinions of 10 famous and well-known dietitians and nutritionists, we have come to know 10 new facts about which we have today's presentation

 Eat more vegetables every day for good health: Famous nutritionist Sharon Palmar, author of the book Plant Powered Life, said in a recent interview that about three-quarters of the food on the plate should be of vegetable origin.  This type of food includes seeds, pulses, vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods such as kaun rice, red rice, etc.  These foods will not only keep you safe but will also help maintain the balance of the earth's vegetative environment.

 Combination of food, will keep your health good  that is, if you put all kinds of food in the daily food list, then your metabolism will be smooth, which will control your appetite at the right level and will keep your health fresh.  Yes, that's exactly what Sarah Koszyk, a well-known sports dietitian and weight management specialist, said in a recent interview.  "If you combine almost all kinds of foods with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, you will be more satisfied with your food than at any other time," he said.  For example, if you just eat fruit, you will get more satisfaction than if you mix some nuts, raisins, pickles or peanut butter with the fruit.  In this context, he said, double the pleasure, double the benefit

 Eat healthy food with loved ones: Famous nutritionist Toby Amidor, author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen, says the timing of family meals is very important.  As school and college kids go through a lot of stress almost all day, family sincerity is very important to them.  One of the environment for creating family sincerity is created at the dining table  When you sit down to have breakfast with your child in the morning, he must go out with a nutritious breakfast which will encourage him to do all the work throughout the day.

 ★ Make a diet with a little but the right food: Michelle Dudash, founder of the famous chef Clean Eating Cooking School, said, make your diet with what you have at hand.  However, make a plan for your cooking during the week as well as make your own market list according to that plan and you will be able to make nutritious food not with much but with the vegetables, forks and spices available at hand.  There is never a need to organize too much for nutritious food.

*Healthy Eating Plans Urgent: In this twentieth century, we are all busy.  Fast food or frozen foods can be the first on the list of favorites or fast food can be put on that list.  But Heather Mangieri, a nutritionist who owns Nutrition CheckUp in Pittsburgh, says if you're too busy, you can prepare food for the whole week on weekends.  Or you can add rice curry to your tiffin as well as a fruit that will make your daily diet more nutritious.  You can prepare some of the food that can be prepared in less time, for example, you can cut the fruit and put it in a ziplock bag, you can take it at night and take it with you the next morning.  You can easily cut the salad in the refrigerator which you can take the next day with a tiffin.  This is how you can easily make a habit of nutritious food.

*Build a relationship with nutritious food: Robyn Webb, food editor of the famous Forecast Magazine, says build a relationship with food.  Make your own food as much as possible. Learn the techniques of making food and strengthen your relationship with the kitchen.  It is possible to improve the nutritional value of many foods by making your own food.

 'Know Yourself diet plans and calorie trackers are very instructive but a healthy relationship with food is more important than these tools.  However, you must understand that you are eating healthy food during that time, then you will have a healthy relationship with food.  Before eating ask yourself ‘why am I eating this, what are the benefits of playing it’

 ★ No one meal will make you fat or thin: University of Arizona health and wellness coach Christy Wilson said in an interview that your daily meal will get you on track for good health.  No one meal will ever help you gain weight, and it is wrong to think that skipping one meal will help you lose weight faster.  In fact, the opposite is true: Eating every meal will help you get to the right level of health quickly.

 ★ Put dietary fiber on your list of favorites: According to Shelly Marie Redmond, founder of the famous diet consultancy firm Skinny Louisiana, dietary fiber will keep you healthy.  A variety of fiber foods will definitely bring satisfaction to your daily list and along with that you will get proper nutrition.

 ★ Give importance to quality, not quantity: Majorie Nolan Cohn, founder of CEDRD, says that what you eat is more important than how much you eat each day.  For example, you get more vegetables and protein in your diet than you get from eating a lot of rice.  So it is very important to eat quality food rather than quantity.

 Follow the above tips.  We can easily live a healthy life by following a few simple steps, so take care of yourself and stay with the nutrition message.


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