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7 Tips To Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy!


 Back pain during pregnancy is a usual problem and a natural thing, as being overweight and changing the center of gravity and hormones relax the ligaments in the pelvis.  However, in many cases, as an article from Mayo Clinic points out, back pain can be prevented or reduced during pregnancy. To achieve this, seven methods must be taken to get rid of back pain during pregnancy.

 1: Training In a Healthy Posture:

 As the child grows, the center of gravity moves forward.  To avoid falling forward, you may balance yourself with a back curve - which can strain the muscles in the lower back and cause back pain during pregnancy.  Therefore, be sure to follow the principles of proper posture to the body as follows:

 Ⅶ Stand straight upright.

 Ⅶ Lift the chest up.

 Ⅶ Keep the shoulders back relaxed.

 Ⅶ No knee restriction.

 When standing, move your feet comfortably between you to get the best support.  If standing for extended periods is unavoidable, place one foot on a low bench - alternating with the other foot every now and then.

 A healthy posture also means sitting carefully.  Choose the seat that provides support for your back, or place a small pillow behind you in the lower back.  Take your feet under a low seat.

2: Get The right Shoe:

 Wear low-heeled shoes - but not flat ones - with a good arched support.

 You might also consider wearing a pregnancy support belt.  Although little research has been done on the effectiveness of pregnancy support belts, some women benefit from additional support.

 3: Lift Things Right:

When lifting a small object, sit in a squatting position and then get up with legs support.  Don't bend at the waist or get up with your back.  It is also important not to overburden yourself.  Ask for help if you need it.

 4: Sleep On Your Side:

 Lie while sleeping on your side, not your back.  Make sure to bend one or both knees.  You can consider using pregnancy pillows or pillows as the support between your knees bent, under your stomach and behind your back.

 5: Apply Warm or Cold Compresses Or Massages:

 Use warm compresses to bring heat to your back, or use ice packs.  Back massage may also be helpful.

6: Do Physical Activities In Your Daily Routine:

 Regular physical activity can maintain back strength as well as effectively alleviate back pain during pregnancy.  With your healthcare provider’s approval, try light activities - such as walking or water sports.

 You can also do lower back exercises.  Lean on your hands and knees, keeping in mind that the head is flat against the back.  Pull the abdomen, slightly rotating the back.  Hold for a few seconds, then relax the abdomen and back - making the back as flat as possible.  Repeat the exercise gradually until 10 iterations.  Ask your health care provider about other stretching exercises.

 7: Try Complementary Treatment Methods:

 Some research suggests that acupressure can help relieve back pain during pregnancy.  And manual therapy for the spine appears to provide relief for some women as well.  If you are considering complementary therapies, discuss options with your health care provider.


 If you suffer from severe back pain during pregnancy or if back pain lasts more than two weeks, consult your health care provider.  He or she may recommend medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol, other medicines) or other treatments.

 It should be noted that back pain during pregnancy may be a sign of early labor.  Also, back pain during pregnancy, accompanied by vaginal bleeding, fever or burning during urination, is a sign of an underlying problem that requires immediate attention.  If you are concerned about back pain, contact your health care provider immediately.

 Study::lying down positions may pose a risk to the fetus

Doctors from the University of Auckland in New Zealand advise pregnant women to refrain from lying on their backs during the last three months of their pregnancy.

 And the scientists showed in their study that this carries great risks and may cause the death of the fetus.  Doctors expect that this bad habit of lying down causes a different heartbeat frequency in the fetus and a decrease in the amount of oxygen that reaches his blood when the pregnant mother takes the aforementioned position.

 The researchers monitored 29 women in good health who were in the stage of the seventh to ninth months of their pregnancy, in addition to monitoring the frequency of the heartbeat of the fetus.

 The authors of the study indicated that one child out of every 227 born in Britain is stillborn.

 And American doctors have pointed to factors that might affect the pregnant woman, which could lead later to issues related to awareness and feelings of anxiety for her children after they reach their age.

 Sleep Method:

 A recent scientific study also recommended that women sleep on their side during the last three months of pregnancy in order not to give birth to a dead fetus.

 The study, which was conducted on more than a thousand women, confirmed that the risk doubles if pregnant women sleep on their backs in the last three months of pregnancy.

 The study looked at 291 pregnancies that ended with the death of the fetus, and 735 cases that ended with the fetus alive.

 The researchers say the position of a pregnant woman in sleep is very important, and they indicated that pregnant women should not feel anxious if they lie on their backs during wakefulness.

 One in every 225 pregnancies in the UK ends with the death of the fetus.  The authors of the study say that the lives of about 130 children can be saved each year if pregnant women sleep on their side.

 The study, which was conducted in Midland and northern England and published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is the largest of its kind, and confirms the findings of smaller studies in New Zealand and Australia.


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