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Do you Know Which Fat Is Good For The Body?

It is seen in many health conscious people that they exclude all types of fatty foods from the food list.  The reason - many people think that fat makes the body fat.  But that is not entirely true
 Normally, "fat" may seem like an enemy, but the body needs some fat. Without fat, it is not possible for the body to absorb mineral salts and vitamins, but fat forms the body's cells, forming the lining around the nerves.

 So, let’s take a look at the benefits, disadvantages, and more of fat that we don’t know about.

 Is fat responsible for your weight gain and heart disease?

 Fat may be responsible for weight gain because of the name.  Fat is actually the only cause of the problem called "weight gain", not the root cause.  This is because excessive intake of a single food ingredient cannot cause weight gain.  Simply put, people who exercise less and eat extra calorie foods gain weight.  So fat is not the only problem here. Race, gender, age, daily life weight gain formula plays a big role here.
 On a scientific basis, 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories, 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates contains 4 calories, and alcohol contains 8 calories.  Since all foods are a combination of different ingredients, taking extra food also means taking all kinds of extra food ingredients.

 Since this article is related to fat, in this section weight gain, only the role of fat for heart disease will be discussed.  So let's get to know the good, bad, bad aspects of fat.

 Good fats or unsaturated fats
 Good fats originate from fish, seeds, nuts and vegetables.  They differ from saturated fat (bad fat) in two ways.  E.g:
 Healthy fats are liquids at normal temperatures
 • and less hydrogen atoms are attached to the carbon chain.
 There are two types of healthy fats a:monounsaturated 

A:Monounsaturated fats:
 More or less all of us like to eat mashed with mustard oil. Various studies have shown that monounsaturated fats increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood and reduce the chances of heart disease.  Not only mustard oil but also many monounsaturated fats
 Almonds (peanuts, walnuts, pistachios)
 Vegetable oil (almond oil, olive oil, mustard oil)
 • Peanut and almond butter

 B: Polyunsaturated fats
 Plant fats are the main source of such fats.  Like monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.  Examples of different types of polyunsaturated fats are given:
 • Different types of vegetable oils- sunflower oil, mustard oil, coconut oil
 Beech - (Sunflower Seed, Sweet Pumpkin Seed)
 Soft margarine

 Bad Fats Or Trans Fats:
Trans fat is considered to be the worst of the bad fats. There is a history behind saying bad.  The origins of trans fats date back to the twentieth century, when scientists discovered that healthy oils could be digested by making solids through "hydrogenation".  "Hydrogenation" of healthy oils prevents the decay of the product but also produces some unhealthy fats.  This discovery of scientists became quite profitable for traders.  Because, the decomposition of oil is being prevented, it is being stored for a long time and everyone is benefiting financially.  So trans fat is used more in commercial cases, every meal of fast food restaurant is so tempting to us today!

 Some examples of trans fat:
 Baked foods - cakes, donuts, muffins, pies, etc.
 Deep fried foods, high oil foods

 What happens If you Play Trans Fats?

 Eating too much trans fat will increase the amount of harmful LDL which will reduce the amount of good HDL in the blood. The amount of insulin in the blood increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.  One study found that consuming 2% trans fat per day increased the risk of heart disease by 23%.  (GENERAL BIOLOGY I: Molecules, Cells and Genes Dennis Holley)
 All in all, there is no benefit to the body in taking trans fat and there is no need for it in the human body.  This trans fat is currently used invisibly every day.

 Evil is good fat or saturated fat
 These fats are usually found in animal sources, high fat meats and dairy products.  Examples of saturated fats:
 Beef, mutton
 Condensed milk, butter, cheese, sweet yogurt, ice cream
 Coconut oil, palm oil

 What Happens if you eat saturated Fats?
 Excessive amounts of saturated fat aka "bad fat" increase the risk of cholesterol levels in the blood, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), type-2 diabetics. That's why dieticians say not to eat more than 10% saturated fat per day.  This means that some amount of saturated fat can be eaten. (Https://
 Research has shown that saturated fats are worse than polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils, fiber foods) but are better than sugary foods.

 Itikatha is our favorite fast food
 By researching people's mental needs and tastes, fatty foods have become a tempting and in many cases an essential ingredient in daily life.  "Fast food" is one of the most popular foods in the world today, which is very tempting but not essential for the body.  Some fast food facts,

 Fast food contains “too much salt” and “old oil”
 The main attraction of chicken fry, french fry and fried food is its golden coating which is due to frying in oil.  Sadly, in most cases, the oil used in restaurants is very old.  The residue of used oil in food causes its decomposition.  When such decomposed old oil is used in any food again, the consumer is happy to take it but the body reacts adversely.
 Simply put, fast food is fried food with too much salt in the old oil.

 Use of low quality:
 If the restaurant uses not only "excessive salt" and "old oil" foods, but also "very low quality food ingredients".  In the case of chicken and beef, it is doubtful which animal they are using.
  One of the reasons for weight Gain:
 Most fast food has no nutritional value but contains a lot of calories.  If a person consumes fast food regularly and the same amount of calories by hard work
 Without elimination, the person will continue to gain weight.
 100 grams of french fries = 312 calories
 1 burger = 540 calories
 500 ml milkshake = 60 calories
 1 total = 306 calories

Destroys the body immune system:
 Fast food contains high amounts of fat which increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood and causes heart problems.  Various preservatives used in these foods cause cancer in the body.  It also causes nausea, constipation, toothache and many other problems.

 Why is fat food is to delicious?
French fries, ice-cream, cakes, burgers, ready-made food, chocolate, cheese - the name makes your tongue water.  There is also a scientific explanation for this. Taste and smell are the main reasons for interest in food.  The "crunchy" and "creamy" feel creates an additional effect on the fatty foods which makes this dish more attractive than other foods.  Complete emotional matter, on the basis of which fast food, snacks are made.
 For example, when chicken or potatoes are dipped in hot oil (above 212 Fahrenheit), bubbles are created due to the ever-expanding steam that creates a delicious crispy coating on top of the chips and fried chicken. Not only food but also sound plays a big role here.  According to a research by the IG Nobel Prize, people who participated in the research who heard the sound of "crunch" on the headphones while eating potato chips from "Pringles" thought that the chips were fresh and those who just ate the chips did not feel fresh.  (
 Is there away out?
 • 6 elements of food should be present in the list of food every day.
 .The food list can be kept completely vegetarian for one day a week.
 .food should be taken in that season.
 .Vegetable oil can be used in food preparation.
 .Low fat milk can be used to make dairy foods.
  . died fried food cannot be taken.

 Fat is an essential element of the body, eliminating it will disrupt body composition.  So it is possible to meet the needs of the body by taking proper fat and get rid of various diseases by eliminating bad fats.


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