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Is Vitamin C Is Really Essential?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about vitamin C is lemon.  However, vitamin C is not directly available from lemons.  The chemical name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid and lemon contains citric acid.  And that citric acid is converted into ascorbic acid or vitamin C inside our body.  We all know more or less that scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin C.  But this time we will know why our body needs this vitamin;

Function: Although many vitamins act as co-enzymes in the body, no such role of vitamin C has been found.  The data obtained from studies on the functions of vitamin C at different times are as follows:

1: Vitamin C prevents human stress or anxiety disorders or immune system problems
 2: Vitamin C plays a beneficial role in colds and coughs and even reduces the risk of pneumonia or lungs infection.
3: This vitamin reduces the stroke rate by about 42 percent.
4; Helps to maintain the tightness of the skin.  It also helps in removing old age wrinkles.
 5: Ascorbic acid or vitamin C plays an important role as a carrier of hydrogen in the body.
 6: Due to the detoxifying action of vitamin C, iron is absorbed in the digestive tract.  Helps the liver store iron as needed.
 7: Vitamin C plays a role in the synthesis of collagen, the main constituent of connective tissue in the body.
 8: Vitamin C is required in the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal cortex.
 9: The effects of vitamin C are present in the activation of hormones like calcitosin, oxytocin, thyrotrophin, vasopressin etc.
 10:  Vitamin C indirectly participates in the formation of blood in the body.  Strengthens and strengthens the blood vessels.
 11: Increases immunity.
 12: Calcium builds up in the bone tissue called osteoids, which strengthens the bones.
 13:  Helps to eliminate any inflammation.
 14:  Helps to quickly heal any cuts or infections.
 15:  Helps reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease.
 Vitamin C is not stored in the body.  Excess vitamin C needed is excreted from the body.  So it is necessary to take vitamin C rich food daily.  So that the daily requirement of vitamin C in the body can be easily met.  Let's see exactly how much is the demand of the daily.

 Need: At least 10 mg of vitamin C is required daily to prevent scurvy.  But vitamin C does not only prevent scurvy.  It is needed for other functions of the body.  Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals.  The demand at different ages is as follows-

 Age Demand (mg) Male Females Pregnant Dairy Mack 0-6 months 4040 6-12 months 5050 1-3 years 1515 4-6 years 2525 9-13 years 4545 14-18 years 857560115 19+ years 906565120

Those who smoke will take vitamin C as per the above requirements as per this age as well as 35 mg more vitamin C.
 Source: Do you know which is the best source of Vitamin C?  Many would say lemon.  In fact, amalki contains more vitamin C than lemon.  And let's take a look at the amount of vitamin C in some foods.

 Food (100 gm) Vitamin C (mg) Amalki 473 Guava 210 Grapefruit 105 Mango 92 Kamranga 61 Raw Mango 73 Kaljam 60 Ripe Pepe 56 Pineapple 26 Large 51 Ripe Mango 41 Ripe Banana 24 Orange 40 Cauliflower 90 Uchchee 95 Coriander  Sagina 44 Broccoli 90 Capsicum 138  Green Pepper 125 Radish 34 Raw Tomato 31 Ripe Tomato 25 Sweet Pumpkin 26 Turnip Leaf 180 Radish Vegetable 148 Spinach Vegetable 197 Laushak 90 Sagina Leaf 220 Data Vegetable ৭৮ Blackberry Vegetable 63 Coriander Leaf 135 Fenugreek 52 Lemon (10)

 Vitamin C is not present in the body as it is not stored in the body.  And that's why we only get it from fruits and vegetables.
 Eating habits: Some eating habits of daily life but can easily help meet the needs of vitamin C such as 1. Adding fruits and vegetables to all daily foods such as raw mango pulses or tomato soup etc.

 1: Adding vitamin C fruits for snacks or afternoon snacks such as: Guava, mango for breakfast.
  2: Add lemon or lettuce leaves to the salad to enrich the salad with vitamin C.
 3: Eating various fruit or vegetable juices such as lemon juice, raw mango juice, carrot juice, pineapple juice etc.
 Deficiency condition: Lack of vitamin C causes various problems in the body.  Some of the problems are as follows.

 In the absence of vitamin C in the body, the structure of the connective protein collagen is not correct.  As a result the muscles are weak.  The structure and joints of bones and muscles are soft and brittle.

 Blood vessels are damaged.  Bleeding easily occurs from the wall of a blood vessel with a slight injury.  As a result, sore spots appear on different parts of the body.

 In small children, the knees become swollen and painful with bleeding.

 Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.  The body becomes weak and performance decreases.

 Aging wrinkles appear on the skin easily and the skin becomes rough.

 Scurvy occurs when vitamin C deficiency is severe.  The disease is characterized by -
 1:  The gums of the teeth swell like sponges and bleed.  The base of the tooth becomes loose and the tooth falls out prematurely.
 2:  The skin is rough and itchy.  Bleeding spots appear at the base of the pores.
 3: Pain is felt in different parts of the body.  As the joints become swollen, the bones of the children become weak.
 4: Immunity is reduced and anemia is seen.
 Vitamin C is an essential element for our body.  But many times, if extra vitamin C is taken in the body, there is a possibility of acidity, so patients with gastritis should be somewhat cautious in taking vitamin C.  However, vitamin C is very important for people of all ages.  So everyone should be aware of this.  After all, a little awareness can make up for the lack of vitamin C in your daily diet.


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