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Does Apple Cider Only Reduce Weight?

Let's get acquainted with a different drink today-

 Many people use the name vinegar or vinegar for cooking or salads. White and black are the two types of vinegar used, but there is another type of vinegar that most people in our country may not know what it is used for.  The name of this vinegar is Apple Cider Vinegar.

  Apple cider vinegar has been used for various health reasons since ancient times.  It is also popular in household chores and cooking.  Apple cider vinegar is a popular detox drink for its various natural properties.

 It is made from fruit vinegar which is mainly made from apple juice.  The sugar of apples is converted into alcohol by mixing yeast with apple juice.  The alcohol is then converted to acetic acid using bacteria.  This is how apple cider vinegar is made.  Let's find out about its components -

 Ingredients of Apple Cider Vinegar:
 Apple cider vinegar contains 5-6% acetic acid and 93.7% water.  Other ingredients include iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, etc.  100 grams of apple cider vinegar provides 22 kilocalories.

 Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar:


 To lose weight: Apple cider vinegar slows down the digestion of food present in the stomach.  As a result, the stomach stays full for a long time and the appetite is less.  Due to the low secretion of insulin hormone in type 1 diabetes, rapid digestion of food increases the amount of glucose in the blood and leads to frequent hunger.  Also, acetic acid helps in melting fats.  According to a survey, acetic acid can reduce weight for 12 weeks at a time, as well as lower abdominal fat at a significant rate.

 In Controlling Diabetes: It improves insulin sensitivity.  Studies have shown that the acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar improves the process of taking blood sugar from the blood to the liver and muscles. It also maintains the ratio of insulin and glucagon which also helps in weight loss.

 Controlling Blood Pressure: Be surprised to know that 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar every day can bring blood pressure under control in 1 week.

 To Reduce The Risk Of Cancer: Several studies have shown that apple cider vinegar acts as an anti-carcinogenic agent in the body due to the presence of anti-oxidants.  Which helps prevent cancer. Research is still going on.

 To Keep The Liver Healthy: As it is rich in detox ingredients, pure blood enters the liver as a result of blood purification and the liver stays healthy.

 Allergy Prevention: Apple cider vinegar boosts immunity, helps break down mucus and keeps blood vessels clean.  Apple cider vinegar has been used to prevent skin infections and allergies.  However, if any reaction occurs on the skin, its use should be stopped immediately.

 To Keep The Hearth Healthy: Burn extra body fat, most beneficial for the heart and it is one of the functions of apple cider vinegar.  This also regulates blood flow and keeps blood pressure under control.  Also excess fat and glucose in the blood are both causes of heart disease which can be controlled by taking apple cider vinegar regularly.

 Helps In Digestion: If someone has acidity, it is beneficial to mix apple cider vinegar in water and drink it quickly.  However, it does not apply to ulcer patients.  Studies also show that apple cider vinegar relieves constipation.

 To Purify The Blood: A popular detox drink is apple cider vinegar which purifies the blood by releasing toxins, excess glucose from the blood.

 To Increase Metabolism: Apple cider vinegar increases the secretion of the enzyme AMPK which increases the cell's ability to absorb glucose and fatty acids and produces energy by oxidizing it.  It also increases our performance.

 Cure Diarrhea: Apple cider vinegar contains pectin which regulates the contraction of intestinal contractions and helps in the growth of beneficial bacteria.  The digestion process is completed smoothly.  Again, it also acts as a natural antibiotic.  Apple cider vinegar kills E. coli and salmonella bacteria responsible for diarrhea.

 Blood Chorestrol Control: A Harvard University survey found that people who ate a salad mixed with apple cider vinegar had lower blood cholesterol and heart disease rates.  However, the exact cause is still being researched.

 Blood pH Control: Anyone can get sick at any time if the blood pH is not equal.  Acetic acid maintains this balance.

 To Cure Cold And Cough: Taking apple cider vinegar removes its acidity from the mucus in the throat.  It also shortens the duration of colds.  Vitamin C in apple cider vinegar also destroys pathogens in the body;  Potassium, Vitamin E which is an antioxidant that enhances immunity.

 High Care: Apple cider vinegar mixed with water at the end of the bath washes the hair and acts as a good conditioner.  Eliminates dandruff and helps new hair to grow.

 Skin Care: A tool to remove unwanted facial scars and acne.  To get rid of sunburn, brighten the skin and boys can also use it as an after shave.  Harmful bacteria in the skin are also eliminated due to its acidity.

 Throat Care: Apple cider vinegar is unmatched in clearing the throat, removing mucus, relieving cough.

 To Reduce Physical Fitness: Apple cider vinegar increases the metabolic rate of our body, so metabolism produces more energy and reduces weakness.

Relieve Leg Pain: Since potassium is present in apple cider vinegar, it can be used to cure leg cramps due to potassium deficiency.

 To Clean Teeth: Eliminates yellowing of teeth.

 On Daily Basis:

 In food preservation: Apple cider vinegar is a natural preservative.  Due to its own germicidal properties, germs cannot grow in any food.  As a result, food can be stored for a long time.

 To cook a variety of foods: making sauces, sauces, salads;  To marinate food;  And thick fibrous meat such as;  Beef, mutton, turkey, apple cider vinegar works very well for quick cooking.

 Cleaning items: It is very popular as a high quality cleaner due to its antiseptic properties.

 As a natural pesticide: Due to its acidity, insects cannot grow and pre-existing insects are destroyed.

 To detoxify the fruit: harmful preservatives present in the fruit such as;  Formalin, carbide, etc. can be destroyed by vinegar.

 To make the dishes look shiny: Many people build rust by depositing minerals in the metal parts of the old or new dishes.  Apple cider vinegar easily removes these minerals and makes the dishes look shiny.

 Things to consider before buying apple cider vinegar -
 1: Acidity: The acidity level will be 5%.
 2: Color: The color of apple cider vinegar ranges from yellow to orange.  However, colorless apple cider vinegar is also available in the market these days.
 3: Varsities: There are different types of apple cider vinegar available in the market such as unpasteurized, cold compressed, unrefined, flavored etc.

Unpacked apple cider vinegar is likely to contain microorganisms.
 Cold compressed vinegar is healthier than other vinegars.

 Apple cider vinegar does not have the harmful side.  However, there is a possibility of health risks in excess.

 High intake of apple cider vinegar every day disrupts digestion.

 Its acidity damages tooth enamel.  Even premature teeth can fall out.

 Although it contains potassium, Harvard University professor, Dr.  Robert claims that taking extra apple cider vinegar can cause a deficiency of potassium in the body.

 It is an antidote for diabetics.  However, high blood sugar can lead to hypoglycemia or insulin shock, which can lead to death.

 Any use of apple cider vinegar without sufficient water can cause harm.

 Acceptance Warning:
 Apple cider vinegar should be taken with caution.  Gradually increase the amount of intake.  The first day should start with a maximum of 2 tablespoons.  Then gradually increase the amount depending on the receptive capacity of the body.  If there is any problem after taking it, it should be stopped immediately.  Use straw when drinking regularly as its acidity can damage tooth enamel.  It should also be mixed with water and it is not advisable to brush your teeth before 30 minutes after drinking.

 Some things remain the same. Because according to Islam, it is one of the 12 favorite foods of the Prophet, although there may be differences in its intake. However, if one wants to get some quick benefits (such as weight loss or change of diet or something), then use it as a diet.  Can.  So if one wants to use it regularly, then one must use it according to the advice of a dietitian and if there is any religious rule in accepting it.


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