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The Effects Of Sugar On Our Body

Sugar is not a poison, but overconsumption is a scourge.  Few of us respect the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) not to exceed 50 g per day of added sugar, thus exposing ourselves to many health problems.

 A Powerful Distorbor Of Metabolism:

 The added sugars are digested at high speed and disrupt the work of our body: the blood sugar level plays a yo-yo, the hormones are not secreted as they should, the weight gain sometimes increases even to obesity.  Excess sugar increases blood fat (triglycerides), cholesterolemia and blood pressure.  This is called metabolic syndrome: a set of factors that increase the risk of developing heart disease.

 Energy In Russian Mountains:

 Excessive consumption of sugar can lead to irritability, sudden mood changes and fatigue.  Free sugars are quickly absorbed by our body and create a feeling of euphoria.  Because there is too much in the blood, the pancreas secretes insulin to bring blood glucose down to an acceptable level.  The blood sugar then drops drastically, causing the production of stress hormones like adrenaline.  Too often secreted, it can cause anxiety and trigger panic attacks.  To compensate, the body sends a signal to the brain that it is time to eat something sweet.  We then try to absorb sugar again, and the cycle begins again ...

Threatened Organs:

 1: The Liver
Excess sugar clogs the liver.  The amount that is not converted into energy by our cells accumulates in this organ in the form of triglycerides.  The sugar lover is likely to develop a "fatty liver", that is to say a fatty liver.  A few weeks of excess would be enough to cause this phenomenon.

 2: The Pancreas
One of the functions of the pancreas is to produce insulin to metabolize carbohydrates.  A sugar overload disturbs him.  And when insulin no longer properly manages blood glucose, type 2 diabetes appears.

3: The Intestines
Sugar feeds bacteria that create inflammation in the gut, which promotes insulin resistance and can increase the prevalence of inflammatory conditions like Crohn's disease.  Our microbiota doesn't like ...

Sweeteners,A Better Choice
 Saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, stevia: all are sugar substitutes.  They offer the taste we like, without the calories.  Unfortunately, they also fuel our habit of eating sweet.  They are responsible for weight gain because, unlike sugar, sweeteners do not cause dopamine production.  We would therefore tend to eat real sugar afterwards to obtain the dopamine sought by the brain.  The ideal is therefore to learn to appreciate the true flavor of food rather than replacing sugar with sweeteners.

Kinds Of Sugar:
There are two types of sugar in our food.

Added sugar: white sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple or agave syrup, etc.

 Sugar extracted from a natural food: fruit juice, condensed fruit juice, etc.

 These sugars all have the same effect on the body, regardless of their source.

Sugar: Friend or Enemy Of The Brain

 The brain likes glucose.  To be happy, he needs it.  But it can very well do without added sugars.  Overconsumption of sugar could have effects on mental health.  Depression and anxiety attacks could result.

 A Californian study carried out on rats in 2012 concluded that fructose slowed down memory skills.  But nothing similar has yet been proven in humans.  Some researchers are starting to take an interest in the sugar-Alzheimer duo.  For the moment, no causal link has been proven, but observational studies show that diabetics are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's.  And the impact of sugar on diabetes has long been proven.



 Ketchup and teriyaki sauce at the top, the condiment section is full of sugar.  A third of your ketchup bottle is just sugar.

 Juices: healthy

 An equal amount of a glass of orange juice contains more free sugar than the soft drink.  Better to eat whole fruits, since their fibers slow the absorption of fructose.


 Drinking, tube or flavored, yogurt is not always a healthy food.  When sugar is in second place on the list of ingredients, it's a treat to eat only once in a while.  In addition, manufacturers can include different sources of sugar scattered in the list of ingredients in the same product.  Distrust, therefore.

 The granolas:

 This type of cereal has a health label that is not always deserved.  Several varieties contain almost as much sugar as Frosted Flakes cereals.  Second, the portion shown in the Nutrition Facts table is rarely what you eat.  And if we double the portion, we double the amount of sugar absorbed.  Just because added sugar is organic and naturally occurring does not mean it is less harmful.

 Cooked Meats:

 Because they are salty, you do not suspect that they are also stuffed with sugar.  Another reason to consume it in moderation


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